We Are Codeo
We are designers, engineers, and strategists - on a mission to
make a positive impact.

Rohland de Charmoy
Cofounder & Managing Director
Geek. Dad. Passionate about solving problems using tech. Hooked on mountain biking and productivity.

Mark Fowles
Creative thinker. Lover of ukelele, cooking, sci-fi & philosophy.

Pete Fowles
Prototyper, reader and gamer. Loves new ideas, whiskey and vegans.

Andi Friedman
Entrepreneur. Strategic thinker. Unnatural runner and aspiring golfer.

Gareth Jones
Full Stack Developer/Support Engineer
Science/SciFi Geek, Tinkerer, Gamer, Movie and TV aficionado.

Byron Du Pavillon
System Administrator
The weird guy. Gamer & husband (she didn't tell me to say that).

Jaco Louw
Software Developer
Father, sports fan, squash player, golfer, gamer & nature lover.

Shane Pillay
Software Quality Specialist
Husband & Father. Movie & music enthusiast. Avid Tinkerer.

Jonathan Drummond
Software Developer
Problem solver, family man, mountain bike fanatic.

Wandile Shezi
Support Engineer
Just an all round cool kid. Enjoys all things sports and music.

Tammy Camilleri
UX/UI Designer
Animal mother and story teller with a love for board games, sci-fi, sunny days, the sea and my garden.

Davyd Mccoll
Software Developer
Coder, consumer of beer & coffee, yogi, dad, biker & gamer. Curious about everything.

Grant Hurley
Software Developer
Loves family, socialising outdoors and drinking whisky.

Darryl Daniel
Software Developer
Husband, daddy, patriot with a passion for all things tech. Also an Arsenal FC supporter (we can't all be perfect).

Shelley Boursnell
Finance Manager
Mom, wife, friend and traveller. Loves sports, entertaining and photography.

Karina Harrison
Software Developer
Coder, surfer, diver and dressmaker.

Hamza Fareed
Ops/Systems Engineer
Gamer, cinephile and lover of all things geeky.

Cindy Robinson Naidu
Delivery Lead
Wife, Mom to Furr babies, Pole Fitness Instructor & Enthusiast, Bookworm (SciFi and Fantasy!), Passionate traveller. My bucket list? Pretty much the whole world!

Maya Opperman
Software Developer
Coder, problem solver, owner of way too many boats.

Lourens van Schalkwyk
Software Developer
Father, Programmer, loves drinking whiskey.
May have a hobby again when the kids are older.

Dirk Coetsee
Software Developer
Father, PC guy, Pokemon enthusiast and all-round nerd.

Devon Dawson
Software Developer
Programmer, coffee enthusiast & gamer. Loves the outdoors & socialising with family and friends.

Cohen Singh
Software Developer
Señor Developer and Enjoyer of Stuff and Things.
Join our Team
We’re obsessed with excellence and love learning and solving challenging problems in new ways. If the culture and behaviours that we care about resonate with you, then Codeo may be a great place for you to make an impact.
We do things differently
Choose your workstation
Work on what you’re most comfortable with, whether it be the top of the range PC or high-end Macbook.
Flexible hours
Work-life balance is critical to us. To accommodate busy lifestyles, we don’t expect a rigid 9-5 commitment.
Remote work
We’re geared to work from anywhere, so wherever’s best for you, is best for us.
No “If this… then that” rewards
Everyone gets an annual 13th Cheque. We don’t do performance reviews.
Intentional mastery
10% of your work week is yours to invest in personal development.
Team retreats and events
We host regular team events to bring everyone together in a fun, exciting way.
Knowledge sharing
We host regular sessions where team members give a short talk about a topic they’re really interested in.
Tools and Frameworks
Our development process is supported by a powerful toolchain. Get to know our current favourite technologies.
- Backend & Storage
- Frontend & Mobile
- Devops
- Cloud services
- Design
- Day to day

Positions Available
Positions Available
Ops/System Engineer 🛠
We're looking for an Ops/Systems Engineer to help us deliver fast, reliable and secure applications.
Reach out to us at careers@codeo.co.za